Monday, November 23, 2015

Creditors Signal Potential Support for Overhauling Puerto Rico Debt

Some of Puerto Rico’s most influential creditors are for the first time signaling support for the broad outline of a government proposal to overhaul the island’s crushing debts.

The San Juan government, squeezed by $72 billion in debt and a stagnant local economy, has been weighing whether to keep paying bondholders or defaulting, a move that could trigger dozens of lawsuits by creditors and drag out Puerto Rico’s fiscal problems for years. A $354 million payment is due on Dec. 1.
Seeking to avoid protracted legal skirmishes, Puerto Rico officials have been trying to engage various creditors in deals that would avert default.
In meetings with advisers to creditor groups on Friday, the government’s chief adviser, Jim Millstein, presented a proposal to exchange the island’s existing bonds for new debt that would be less burdensome to Puerto Rico.
The proposal — at least in theory — was met favorably by holders of billions of dollars of general obligation bonds, according to people with direct knowledge of the group’s position who were not authorized to speak publicly. However, the government still needs to win over many other creditors, making a deal far from certain.

Jim Millstein, the government’s chief adviser, presented a proposal to creditors. Credit Ann Heisenfelt/Getty Images

General obligation bonds carry a guarantee in the Puerto Rico constitution stipulating that debt must be repaid before just about any other expense. Given that guarantee, general obligation holders have been expected to be among the creditors least likely to agree to a restructuring that might reduce the value of their bonds.
But over the weekend, a group of about half a dozen hedge funds and other investment firms that own general obligation bonds signaled support for the concept of the government’s debt exchange, these people said. Among that group are Monarch Alternative Capital, Fundamental Credit Opportunities and Autonomy Capital.
Leading up to Friday’s meeting, hedge fund managers had complained privately that Puerto Rico officials have been talking tough about a possible default, while not doing enough to cut government spending.
One of the people briefed on the hedge funds’ position said the group collectively felt the proposed debt exchange was a “a constructive first step toward forging a solution.” This person said that the two sides had not started to discuss many of the financial details of the exchange.
But broadly speaking, the exchange would involve rolling up most of the island’s current debt and restructuring it into a new “superbond,” according to people briefed on the plan. As part of that new bond, general obligation holders would have the first claim on government revenues, giving them the highest priority in the superbond structure. Holders of other forms of the government’s debt would have lower priority. It is not clear whether bondholders, in return, would be asked to buy into the superbond at a discount, rendering their investments less valuable than their current holdings.
The thaw in the hedge funds’ position is likely to play out in Washington, where lawmakers have been debating whether to extend bankruptcy authority to Puerto Rico.
The commonwealth does not have access to the federal bankruptcy courts to restructure its debts, forcing the government and creditors to work out a deal outside court.
Republican leaders in Congress have expressed reservations about giving Puerto Rico or its public entities access to Chapter 9 bankruptcy protections, while some Democrats have publicly supported the idea, with Obama administration officials warning that the island faces a “humanitarian crisis” in the coming months.
The person briefed on the hedge funds’ position said that leaders of both parties in Washington should take note of Friday’s discussions as the start of a “private sector solution” to the debt crisis. The hedge funds hope that Washington will avoid taking any measures that might undermine that process.
For months, Puerto Rico has failed to persuade Congress to pass legislation that would give the island’s public corporations, like its sewer and water authorities, access to Chapter 9 bankruptcy. Some officials have said that would address only a portion of the debt problems, though.
There are currently discussions in Washington about whether a bankruptcy measure for Puerto Rico could be included as an amendment to the final federal budget.
A crucial test comes on Dec. 1, when the island’s Government Development Bank must make the $354 million debt payment. This month, analysts at Moody’s Investors Service predicted that the government would skip some of those payments because of the worsening liquidity situation.
Officials have stayed publicly vague about whether they intend to make the Dec. 1 payment. In an interview last week, Melba Acosta, the president of the Government Development Bank, said the government had yet to make up its mind on whether to make the debt payment next month or another large payment coming due in January.
In some circles, advisers have been pushing for Gov. Alejandro García Padilla to default to force the creditors, including the hedge funds, to the negotiating table.
A default, these people argue, might also prompt Congress to act faster to give Puerto Rico access to Chapter 9 — something many creditors want to avoid.

Creditors Signal Potential Support for Overhauling Puerto Rico Debt


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