Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Latest Plan to Rescue Puerto Rico Is Met With Disdain on Island

House Republicans released a draft of a rescue plan for Puerto Rico on Tuesday that they hoped could quickly garner bipartisan support and win over skeptics on the island, on Wall Street and in Congress.
The plan, being drafted by Republicans on the House Natural Resources Committee, in consultation with Democrats in Congress and the Treasury Department, calls for putting Puerto Rico’s finances under a presidentially appointed oversight board — a bitter pill to many on the island.
“This discussion draft will change,” said Representative Rob Bishop, Republican of Utah, who has been leading the drafting process. “We are releasing it now to encourage feedback.”
The plan would also establish guidelines for restructuring some portion of Puerto Rico’s $72 billion of debt, “where necessary.” While Puerto Rico would not be granted standing to seek relief in bankruptcy — something its leaders wanted — it could get some of the legal tools found in bankruptcy as long as it first jumps through a number of hoops.
Creditors’ demands for immediate payment would be halted for 18 months, for example, much as creditor lawsuits are automatically stayed in bankruptcy cases. Under certain circumstances Puerto Rico would also have the authority to impose losses on unwilling creditors — an extraordinary power that is normally available only in bankruptcy. The oversight board’s duties would include keeping Puerto Rico from abusing that power.
To some on the island, any federal oversight board at all is a deal-breaker.
Shortly after a summary of the committee’s approach began to circulate late last week, the governor of Puerto Rico, Alejandro García Padilla, denounced it as “shameful and degrading,” and something that would deprive the island “of its own government.”
The president of the Puerto Rican Senate, Eduardo Bhatia, said upon reading the proposal that he was deeply offended by the way it was written, which he said “was from the 18th century,” evoking “the worst colonial subjugations.”
Congressional staff must work at a pace seldom seen in Washington these days, because between May 1 and July 1 Puerto Rico owes debt payments totaling around $2.4 billion. By setting up a legal framework before that, Congress may be able to prevent the chaos and devastation of a disorderly default.
That means devising a package acceptable both to Democrats, who tend to support debt relief for Puerto Rico, and to conservative Republicans, who see debt relief as a bailout that would unacceptably reward profligacy.
Getting a bill onto President Obama’s desk for signature would also mean finding common ground with Senate Republicans, who have seemed less willing to assist Puerto Rico, citing its failure to make required financial disclosures.
Given the need to act quickly, House aides said, lawmakers were trying not to be “overly prescriptive,” and were leaving many details of the rescue plan for the five appointed and two ex-officio oversight board members to sort out. They said they hoped to have a bill ready to be introduced when Congress returns from Easter recess in April.
Mr. García Padilla has been calling Puerto Rico’s $72 billion of debt “unpayable” for almost a year, and asking Congress for extraordinary powers to reduce it. If there had to be an oversight board in the process, the governor had envisioned it made up primarily of people from Puerto Rico.
On Saturday, he called for candidates for governor from all parties on the island to form a united front to block the package as written.

Alejandro García Padilla, the governor of Puerto Rico, has denounced the new plan as “shameful and degrading.” Credit Sait Serkan Gurbuz/Associated Press

Latest Plan to Rescue Puerto Rico Is Met With Disdain on Island


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