Saturday, May 06, 2017

The April Jobs Report in 11 Charts

The pace of hiring picked up in April as employers added 211,000 jobs and the headline unemployment rate fell to 4.4%. Here’s a look at some of the other key data points in today’s monthly jobs report.
The overall pace of job gains has slowed somewhat, but remains healthy. The number of jobs has risen 1.5% from a year ago.
Hiring HistoryPercentage change in job growth over the prior 12 monthsTHE WALL STREET JOURNALSource: Labor DepartmentNote: Seasonally adjusted
%Recession1996’982000’02’04’06’08’10’12’14’16-6.0-5.0-4.0-3.0-2.0- 2011x0.8%
Hourly wage gains have slowed slightly, while weekly wage gains picked up a bit. Both increased about 2.5% from a year ago.
Change in Average Earnings from a Year EarlierTHE WALL STREET JOURNALSource: Labor DepartmentNote: Seasonally adjusted
%RecessionHourly earningsWeekly earnings2008’10’12’14’
The Labor Department’s broader measures of unemployment, including discouraged workers, those marginally attached to the labor force, and part-time workers who want full-time employment, have continued to fall. The broadest measure of underemployment, which includes part-timers, has now fallen to the lowest rate since 2007. The headline unemployment rate of 4.4% has not been lower since May 2001.
Broader MeasuresAlternate measures of the unemployment and underemploymentrateTHE WALL STREET JOURNALSource: Labor DepartmentNote: Seasonally adjusted
%RecessionPlus part-time for economic reasonsPlus marginally attachedPlus discouraged workersHeadline unemployment rate2000’05’10’
The share of the population in the labor force—defined as those working or actively looking for work—has hovered at or just below 63% for most of the past year. The share of the population with jobs has slowly been rising, and climbed to 60.2% in April, the highest since February 2009.
Labor ForceShare of the population that is...THE WALL STREET JOURNALSource: Labor DepartmentNote: Seasonally adjusted
%RecessionIn the labor forceEmployed2000’05’10’15575859606162636465666768EmployedxJune 2016x59.6%
For workers ages 25 to 54, who are unlikely to be retired or in school, the labor-force participation rate and the employment-to-population ratio are both higher and have been gradually rising in recent years.
Prime-Age WorkersShare of the prime-age (25-54-year-old) population that is...THE WALL STREET JOURNALSource: Labor DepartmentNote: Seasonally adjusted
%RecessionIn the labor forceEmployed2000’05’10’1570.072.575.077.580.082.585.087.590.0
During the recession and its immediate aftermath, people who became unemployed were more likely to drop out of the labor force entirely and stop seeking work. The share of unemployed people who give up on the labor force continued to fall this month.
Job-Market DropoutsUnemployed people who left the labor force as a share of those not inthe labor force, 12-month averageTHE WALL STREET JOURNALSource: Labor DepartmentNote: Seasonally adjusted
%Recession1996’982000’02’04’06’08’10’12’14’161.752.002.252.502.753.003.253.503.75March 2002x2.20%
Full-time jobs have been growing more quickly than part-time jobs.
Scheduling ShiftsEmployment change since Dec. 2007, three-month moving averageTHE WALL STREET JOURNALSource: Labor DepartmentNote: Seasonally adjusted
Unemployment rates are coming down for workers at every education level.
School WorkUnemployment rate by educational attainment, age 25 and overTHE WALL STREET JOURNALSource: Labor DepartmentNote: Seasonally adjusted
%RecessionLess than high schoolHigh schoolSome collegeCollege2000’05’10’15024681012141618
Unemployment rates have also continued to trend down for different race and gender groups.
Men and Women at WorkUnemployment rate by race/ethnicity and gender, age 20 and overTHE WALL STREET JOURNALSource: Labor DepartmentNote: Seasonally adjusted
%RecessionBlack menBlack womenHispanic womenHispanic menWhite menWhite women2000’05’10’1502468101214161820
Early in the recession, the number of people who were unemployed for half a year or more had soared, but long-term unemployment has returned to nearly normal levels.
Measuring JoblessnessUnemployment rate by duration, difference from Dec. 2007THE WALL STREET JOURNALSource: Labor DepartmentNote: Seasonally adjusted
.percentage pointsMore than 27 weeks15 to 26 weeksLess than 15 weeks2008’10’12’14’16-1.0-
The median duration of unemployment is just over 10 weeks. That’s down by more than half from 2010 and 2011 but still elevated compared with a decade ago, or the late ’90s and early 2000s.

Still SearchingMedian duration of unemploymentTHE WALL STREET JOURNALSource: Labor DepartmentNote: Seasonally adjusted
.weeksRecession1996’982000’02’04’06’08’10’12’14’ 2013x16.4 weeks
The April Jobs Report in 11 Charts


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