Is That $300 Million Puerto Rico Power Contract 'Whitefishgate' Or Just a Red Herring?
Just days after Hurricane Maria devastated Puerto Rico, Andy Techmanski, the CEO of Whitefish Energy, arrived and offered his assistance to the Puerto Rico Electric Power Authority (PREPA) to help repair the island’s devasted power grid. He first connected with PREPA after Hurricane Irma’s glancing blow a few weeks prior had knocked out power to parts of the island. Then Maria completed the devastation.
Techmanski was ready to get to work. After two decades building power transmission systems across the U.S., U.K., Middle East and western Canada with the likes of Quanta Field Services, Techmanski launched Whitefish three years ago with just this kind of high-complexity, high-impact job in mind. As Puerto Ricans struggled to come to terms with their new reality, Techmanski and PREPA scoped out vital repairs to be done, and on Sept. 26, at a table illuminated by cellphone screens, Techmanski and PREPA CEO Ricardo Ramos inked a contract outlining up to $300 million worth of work.
First up: restoring the toppled steel towers that prior to Maria’s tempest carried high-voltage lines north-south for 30 miles across the island’s mountainous interior. In the past month, says Whitefish spokesman Ken Luce, Techmanski has brought 350 linemen to the island, many from power utilities in Jacksonville and Kissimmee, Fla. Working with Chinook heavy-lift helicopters and truck-based cranes, Whitefish has succeeded in rebuilding and re-energizing one high-voltage line, and they expect to finish the second within a couple weeks.
That is, if Puerto Rico lets them.
Since word of the deal got out Whitefish has faced accusations of being Trump cronies out to scavenge Puerto Rico for federal disaster dollars. The laundry list: Whitefish Energy had only two full-time employees at the time of the deal. It’s based in the same small Montana town where Trump’s Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke is from. Techmanski has employed Zinke’s son as an intern. What’s more, the biggest financial backer of Whitefish appears to be Dallas-based HBC Investments, which is run by Joe Colonnetta, who in recent years has given tens of thousands of dollars to GOP pols like Rick Perry, John McCain and Marco Rubio (he was partner at private equity giant Hicks, Muse, Tate & Furst).
The loudest outrage has been over the terms of PREPA’s contract with Whitefish which include $20,000 an hour for Chinook heavy-lift helicopters, $300 an hour for each lineman, and another $300 or so per day for food and lodging. Those numbers strike many observers as exorbitant. There was also a contract clause barring the government or PREPA from auditing the “cost and profit elements” of the labor charges.
FEMA last Friday said in a statement that it had “significant concerns” over how PREPA awarded the contract. The Sierra Club calls it “Whitefishgate.” The head of Puerto Rico’s electrical workers union is demanding a probe. Whitefish even got in a spat with San Juan Mayor Carmen Yulin Cruz, who has said of the contract, “It is scandalous; it is an affront on our people.” In response to Mayor Cruz, Whitefish tweeted: ”We’ve got 44 linemen rebuilding power lines in your city & 40 more men just arrived. Do you want us to send them back or keep working?” They’ve since apologized. Sort of. Says Luce, “If people think the rates are high, consider what its worth to get power back on.”
So what is it worth? Is charging PREPA $300 an hour for a lineman highway robbery? I talked with Gerri Boyce, spokesperson for the Jacksonville Electric Authority, which sent 41 workers and their trucks to work with Whitefish. For the past month in Puerto Rico they have been making about $90 a hour — double their rate back home – and working hard 12-hour days. Whitefish pays their room and board and transportation to and from the island, so for a month of work in Puerto Rico many of these guys will bring in more than $30,000 — a big chunk of the average journeyman lineman’s salary of about $80,000 a year. So it’s good work for the men, with what looks like a juicy margin for Whitefish of about $200 per man per hour. “You do have to charge a premium,” says a 25-year industry veteran who expects his company to be working in Puerto Rico soon. ”We’ve done a lot of emergency restoration work. You run into a lot of issues that you wouldn’t have with well-planned projects. When you show up in an area ravaged by a storm, you will incur costs that you didn’t know about.”
As for the $20,000 an hour for heavy-lift helicopters, this does not appear unreasonable. The U.S. Forest Service makes long-term contracts with helicopter companies for firefighting at a rate of nearly $8,000 an hour for the biggest birds, plus a daily stand-by rate (to guarantee the helicopter is available) of several thousand a day. Under “call when needed” contracts, the stand-by rate can run into the range of $35,000 per day, according to a person familiar with government contracting. Erickson Air-Crane has in recent years contracted with the Forest Service at a rate of $15,000 an hour for heavy-lift helicopters, while last year Los Angeles County Fire District figured that its hourly cost for firefighting choppers ran to $100,000 an hour. According to this report, the all-in cost of the U.S. Marines’ heavy CH-53K chopper fleet runs to $20,000 an hour.
Fun fact: each hour in the air, these most powerful helicopters gulp 500 gallons of jet fuel, not great on an island suffering monumental fuel shortages. Columbia Helicopters of Portland, Ore., operates a fleet of Chinooks as far afield as Afghanistan (but isn’t working with Whitefish). Santiago Cresp0, VP of business development, says that in Columbia’s fleet, each Chinook requires at least four pilots, six mechanics, and a careful fuel storage program. ”These are maintenance intensive helicopters,” he says.
On the suspicions of political ties, Secretary Zinke has declared, “I had absolutely nothing to do with” the Whitefish contract. Luce says Whitefish moneyman Colonnetta “did not ask for help or seek help from the Administration. He hasn’t called anybody.” For what it’s worth, one of HBC’s former principals, Peter Brodsky, has donated to Democrats for years (though he left HBC a couple years ago). Smart businessmen cover all the bases, and this is far from their first rodeo; HM Financial made $500 million selling Triton Energy to Hess Corp in 2001. In 2007 they sold Regency Energy Partners for $600 million to G.E. Financial, and in 2014 dealt BlackBrush Oil & Gas to Ares Management. Another Whitefish investor, Lance Etcheverry of Flat Creek Capital, spent 17 years on JP Morgan’s utility company finance team.
There’s been plenty of criticism of PREPA too. How could this bankrupt, mismanaged electric utility award such a large contract without competitive bidding or approvals from the likes of FEMA? Why didn’t the utility immediately take the customary step of requesting “mutual aid” from other power companies? PREPA didn’t respond to a request for comment. Whitefish says there was one other company vying to rebuild the high-voltage lines, but they wanted PREPA to fork over more cash to pay for crew mobilization. Whitefish reportedly got $3.7 million upfront.
Any way you look at it, Techmanski was gutsy to drop into a disaster zone, cut a deal with bankrupt, mismanaged PREPA and assume massive execution risk. Techmanski has proven in the past month that being a small company is not an obstacle when you know how to round up an army of workers. He had been working to ramp up from the 350 workers already recruited from the Florida utilities to 500. For work done so far, Whitefish has received about $20 million and reportedly expects another $10 million or so as work is finished up. Keep in mind that the $300 million is a cap, not a guarantee. Even though PREPA, under pressure, said it was cancelling the Whitefish contract, the contract terms call for a 30-day de-mobilization period. “The talk right now is about finishing the work and doing a good job,” says Luce.
If you think $300 million sounds excessive, consider that fixing the P.R. grid is going to take a lot more than that. The freshly expanded FEMA-approved contract with Fluor so far calls for $840 million worth of work. And that’s just to get the grid back to the sorry state it was in prior to Maria. A 218-page report by Synapse Energy Associates commissioned last year by the Puerto Rico Energy Commission found PREPA to be woefully mismanaged, with a dire lack of reporting systems, a budgeting process that’s ad hoc at best and maintenance deferred so long that traditional power plants run at low efficiency requiring reliance on costly diesel generators. According to Synapse’s findings, the outmoded P.R. grid couldn’t support Elon Musk’s grand plan for solar and batteries because it’s not robust enough to integrate the distributed loads. Brock Long, FEMA administrator, has said more investments will be needed to make the island’s grid more resilient.
It’s easy to second guess the desperate actions taken by politicians and contractors in the fog of confusion during the early days of disasters. PREPA CEO Ramos has insisted that the contracting process was justified given the emergency situation. Whitefish insists that its only objective was to help Puerto Rico get the lights back on — and to make some money doing it. And Whitefish isn’t the only one. PREPA reportedly signed a strikingly similar contract with Oklahoma-based Cobra Acquisitions two days after inking the Whitefish deal.
Critics jumped on Whitefish because of its tenuous connection to the Trump Administration plus their own uninformed assumption that the terms of its PREPA contract were outrageous. Once we can show that the terms actually look reasonable, don’t Techmanski and Co. deserve the benefit of the doubt? Who knows, maybe they are all corrupt. The FBI is investigating, while the House Committee on Energy and Commerce has requested that Techmanski brief them in early November. Meanwhile, a month and a half after Maria’s landfall, more than half of Puerto Rico remains without power.
Other reading:

Though Puerto Rico canceled his controversial contract last weekend, Whitefish Energy CEO Andy Techmanski is still working to restore the island’s power — and his reputation.
Christopher Helman
Is That $300 Million Puerto Rico Power Contract 'Whitefishgate' Or Just a Red Herring?
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