Sunday, April 07, 2013

Katy Perry teams up with UNICEF and visits children in Madagascar

ANTANANARIVO, 7 April 2013 – Internationally acclaimed American singer and songwriter Katy Perry has visited Madagascar to bring attention to the situation of children in the tropical island country, one of the poorest in the world and still recovering from a political crisis that began in 2009.

“In less than one week here in Madagascar, I went from crowded city slums to the most remote villages and my eyes were widely opened by the incredible need for a healthy life – nutrition, sanitation, and protection against rape and abuse - which UNICEF are stepping in to help provide,” Perry said.

“I am grateful to UNICEF for giving me the opportunity to see first-hand how their programmes make a real difference in children's lives. Support for UNICEF is saving children, I am a witness to it.”

On her first visit in support of UNICEF, Perry saw a full range of programmes, from education, nutrition, health and child protection to water, sanitation and hygiene.

Beginning her trip in a slum area of the capital Antananarivo, she visited a child protection centre and met abused and abandoned children and young mothers receiving support and counseling. More than three out of four children in Madagascar live in extreme poverty, making them vulnerable to exploitation.

Most international donors have frozen development aid following the 2009 crisis, forcing the government to make drastic cuts in public spending and resulting in large parts of the population not having access to basic health care and primary education. Perry visited a UNICEF supported pre-school and a primary school built to enable children to go back to school.

At the Sahavola pre-school, 117 boys and girls between the ages of 3 and 6 receive a quality early education and learn the importance of thinking creatively and working collaboratively. They are also encouraged to participate in health and hygiene practices at an early age. To promote proper hygiene and sanitation, UNICEF constructed latrines and sinks at the pre-school, where Perry took in hand washing with the children.

The old village primary school, made from sticks and with a thatched roof, was destroyed by one of the tropical cyclones that hit the island every year. It was replaced by UNICEF with a solid, cyclone-resistant building.

Schooling rates in Madagascar are alarmingly low. Only three children out of every 10 who start primary school complete the cycle. Ttwo-thirds of teachers have not received any formal training.

UNICEF and national school authorities are working to improve the situation through school construction and providing learning materials, training for teachers and supporting community action plans for education.

"An education is an incredible opportunity here. I visited a very remote community, where children and teachers walk for 45 minutes just to get to school. This is a testament to how appreciative they are about their education," said Perry in the UNICEF- supported primary school in the village of Ampihaonana.

In the nutrition centre in Androranga village, Perry learned about UNICEF’s efforts to tackle another serious problem of the country – chronic malnutrition. Half the children in Madagascar are chronically malnourished, putting the country among the six worst in the world for chronic malnutrition.

Poor maternal nutrition, poor feeding practices and poor food quality contribute to the failure of these children to reach their full potential mentally and physically. The centre, run by a community health worker, identifies cases and works with village mothers to improve children’s nutrition, including focusing on the importance of exclusive breastfeeding during the first six months of a child’s life.

UNICEF - Madagascar | Facebook

Tuesday, April 02, 2013

BRAIN Initiative Challenges Researchers to Unlock Mysteries of Human Mind | The White House

Today at the White House, President Obama unveiled the “BRAIN” Initiative—a bold new research effort to revolutionize our understanding of the human mind and uncover new ways to treat, prevent, and cure brain disorders like Alzheimer’s, schizophrenia, autism, epilepsy, and traumatic brain injury.

The BRAIN Initiative — short for Brain Research through Advancing Innovative Neurotechnologies — builds on the President’s State of the Union call for historic investments in research and development to fuel the innovation, job creation, and economic growth that together create a thriving middle class.

The Initiative promises to accelerate the invention of new technologies that will help researchers produce real-time pictures of complex neural circuits and visualize the rapid-fire interactions of cells that occur at the speed of thought. Such cutting-edge capabilities, applied to both simple and complex systems, will open new doors to understanding how brain function is linked to human behavior and learning, and the mechanisms of brain disease.

In his remarks this morning, the President highlighted the BRAIN Initiative as one of the Administration’s “Grand Challenges” – ambitious but achievable goals that require advances in science and technology to accomplish. The President called on companies, research universities, foundations, and philanthropies to join with him in identifying and pursuing additional Grand Challenges of the 21st century—challenges that can create the jobs and industries of the future while improving lives.

In addition to fueling invaluable advances that improve lives, the pursuit of Grand Challenges can create the jobs and industries of the future.

That’s what happened when the Nation took on the Grand Challenge of the Human Genome Project. As a result of that daunting but focused endeavor, the cost of sequencing a single human genome has declined from $100 million to $7,000, opening the door to personalized medicine.

Like sequencing the human genome, President Obama’s BRAIN Initiative provides an opportunity to rally innovative capacities in every corner of the Nation and leverage the diverse skills, tools, and resources from a variety of sectors to have a lasting positive impact on lives, the economy, and our national security.

That’s why we’re so excited that critical partners from within and outside government are already stepping up to the President’s BRAIN Initiative Grand Challenge.

The BRAIN Initiative is launching with approximately $100 million in funding for research supported by the National Institutes of Health (NIH), the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA), and the National Science Foundation (NSF) in the President’s Fiscal Year 2014 budget. 

Foundations and private research institutions are also investing in the neuroscience that will advance the BRAIN Initiative.  The Allen Institute for Brain Science, for example, will spend at least $60 million annually to support projects related to this initiative.  The Kavli Foundation plans to support BRAIN Initiative-related activities with approximately $4 million dollars per year over the next ten years.  The Howard Hughes Medical Institute and the Salk Institute for Biological Studies will also dedicate research funding for projects that support the BRAIN Initiative.

This is just the beginning. We hope many more foundations, Federal agencies, philanthropists, non-profits, companies, and others will step up to the President’s call to action. 

Learn more about the BRAIN Initiative here and here.  

Dr. Francis Collins is Director of the National Institutes of Health. Dr. Arati Prabhakar is Director of the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency

Follow new developments relating to the BRAIN Initiative and other advances in science and technology at the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy Blog and @whitehouseostp on Twitter. 

Note: Have questions about the BRAIN Initiative? Today, at 12:00 p.m. EDT, Tom Kalil, Innovation Advisor; Dr. Francis Collins, Director of National Institutes of Health; and Dr. Arati Prabhakar, Director of the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) will answer your questions. Ask on Twitter with #WHChat.

Francis Collins and Arati Prabhakar

BRAIN Initiative Challenges Researchers to Unlock Mysteries of Human Mind | The White House