Wednesday, December 09, 2015

Pierluisi Announces that University Students in Puerto Rico Are Now Eligible for Prestigious Rhodes Scholarship

Resident Commissioner Pedro Pierluisi issued the following statement today regarding the recent decision by The Rhodes Trust to make U.S. citizens that attended college in Puerto Rico or the other U.S. territories eligible to receive a Rhodes Scholarship:

“The Rhodes Scholarship is the oldest and arguably the most prestigious international scholarship in the world.  Every year, 32 graduates of universities in the United States between the ages of 18 and 24 are selected as Rhodes Scholars and given the opportunity to study for at least two years at Oxford University in England.  Past recipients include President Bill Clinton, National Security Advisor Susan Rice, retired Supreme Court Justice David Souter, multiple U.S. senators, and astronomer Edwin Hubble.

“In 2012, I noticed that the Rhodes Scholarship was open to Americans who attended college in the 50 states or the District of Columbia, but not to graduates of universities in Puerto Rico and the four other U.S. territories.  My office contacted officials at The Rhodes Trust—which administers the Rhodes Scholarship—and asked them to reconsider this longstanding policy and to open the scholarship opportunity to students from Puerto Rico.

“I am pleased to announce that our efforts have borne fruit.  The Rhodes Trust recently announced that, starting in 2016, U.S. citizens and legal permanent residents who attend universities in Puerto Rico or in the other territories will become eligible, for the first time ever, to apply for a U.S. Rhodes Scholarship.

“If you are a student, parent or university official, and you want to learn more about the Rhodes Scholarship, visit  To see the press release issued by the Rhodes Trust regarding the opening of the competition to students from Puerto Rico, see

“Puerto Rico’s universities are home to incredibly talented and hard-working scholars in many different academic fields, and I am so pleased that these students will now be eligible to compete, alongside their fellow students from the states, for a Rhodes Scholarship.”

Pierluisi Announces that University Students in Puerto Rico Are Now Eligible for Prestigious Rhodes Scholarship


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