Friday, March 29, 2019

Sleepless Nights: In Pursuit of Rest. What Goes on When You Sleep?

About 70 million in the United States have sleep problems, and 60% of those have a chronic sleep disorder like insomniasleep apnea, or restless legs syndrome, or RLS. On average, we’re sleeping about an hour less than we did in the 1940s, with 1 in 3 adults now failing to get even the minimal 7 hours of nightly sleep experts recommend. A quarter of us are so tired, we have trouble concentrating by day; 9% say sleep deprivation interferes with our job; and, frighteningly, 5% say they’ve nodded off at the wheel in the last 30 days.
This lack of shut-eye can take a serious toll on our health, leaving us more vulnerable to infection and boosting our risk of obesityheart diseasediabetesmood disorders, and Alzheimer’s disease. And it doesn’t take long for damage to start to kick in.
Recent research has shown that deep sleep -- sometimes called the brain’s washing machine -- serves to wash out metabolic byproducts that gum up the brain and lead to cognitive decline. After just one night without it, the plaques and tangles associated with Alzheimer’s disease can rise as much as 50%.
One sleepless night can also boost levels of ghrelin, aka “the hunger hormone,” leading us to eat more and crave sleep and fat. And it makes our body less able to use insulin to metabolize that sugar, leaving more in our blood and boosting our risk of getting type 2 diabetes.

One recent study found that people who slept less than 6 hours per night for a week and were then exposed to a cold virus were four times more likely to get sick.
All this has prompted the CDC to begin referring to sleeplessness as an “epidemic” public health crisis. But sleep specialists stress that all sleep problems are not created equal. Researchers have identified at least 88 distinct sleep disorders, many fueled by genetics. Age, gender, and a more stimulating nighttime environment also play key roles.
“There are many different flavors of sleep problems, and people need to stop thinking about them as just one thing,” says Michael Breus, PhD, a Los Angeles-based clinical psychologist who offers customized sleep programs for celebrities and elite athletes. “To find lasting relief, you have to know what your root causes are.”
Here’s a look at some possibilities:

Born This Way

If you, like me, grew up listening to horror stories about your parents’ sleepless nights, chances are your problem may rest partly in your genes.
“There are many genes involved in sleep, and almost all sleep disorders run in families,” says Rafael Pelayo, MD, a professor of psychiatry at the Stanford Center for Sleep Sciences and Medicine.
Scientists have pinpointed dozens of gene variants associated with sleep problems, linking them to everything from nighttime teeth grinding to not being able to let go of tension.
Restless legs syndrome -- which causes “creepy crawly” feelings in the legs at night -- has been linked to genetic variants that make it hard to absorb iron in the brain and tissues. As the thinking goes, people are born with the genetic mutation but often don’t have symptoms until something changes (a vegan diet, heavier periods) to drop their iron levels below a critical threshold. Because iron is a key ingredient for the movement-regulating neurotransmitter dopamine, tremors can arise when it’s in low supply.
“Sometimes people start to experience RLS symptoms, you treat it with iron supplements, and it works,” notes Pelayo.
Another set of genes, known as “period” genes, influence our “chronotype” -- or whether we tend to be morning larks, night owls, something in between, or insomniacs.

“Your genes impact the master biological clock in your brain as well as all the clocks around your body that dictate when hormones are produced and physiological processes occur,” says Breus, whose book The Power of When outlines how to live more in line with our chronotype. “Not everybody’s clocks keep the same time.”

While sleep apnea is often associated with obesity, it, too, is largely rooted in genetics. About half of the people who have it are of normal weight.
Some people are born with a small jaw, narrow face, and/or high-arched palate that make it hard for the tongue to fit snugly in their mouth. As a result, the tongue slips backward during sleep, blocking breathing and causing fits of waking, says Pelayo.
On the flip side, researchers recently discovered a gene that leads to high levels of a protein that stimulates arousal. Some lucky people who have it can go to bed at midnight and pop out of bed, refreshed, at 5 a.m.
The science is young, and there’s still a lot to learn, cautions Breus.
But genetic testing companies like 23andMe have already begun sharing sleep-related genetic information with clients. And Breus uses it as one tool for creating personalized sleep plans.
He and others say knowing that your genes make you more susceptible to sleep problems often motivates people even more to change the things they can.
“Your genetic tendencies are not your destiny,” says Pelayo.

You’re Getting Older

Genetics aside, age also comes with a host of new sleep challenges.
“When you’re young, you can fall asleep in the car and sleep for hours, but as an adult, it gets harder,” says Christine Won, MD, medical director for the Yale Centers for Sleep Medicine.
Studies show total sleep time declines from as much as 14 hours a night in childhood, to between 6.5 and 8.5 hours a night in young adulthood, to between 5 and 7 hours a night in your late 50s, where it tends to plateau.

That’s in part because as we age, the pineal gland in our brain, which produces the sleep-promoting hormone melatonin, begins to shrink and calcify, says Pelayo. (That’s why melatonin supplements can be an effective sleep aid for the elderly.)

Sleep patterns also begin to shift in middle age, leaving us with shorter fits of lighter sleep, less restorative deep sleep and active dreaming (REM sleep), and a tendency to wake up earlier.
Both men and women also tend to gain more weight in their neck area in middle age, which can boost the risk of sleep-disordered breathing, Won notes.
For women, perimenopause, the 3-5 years before menstruation ceases and official menopause kicks in, can make things worse.
“Even women who have slept soundly for years find themselves struggling in new ways during perimenopause and menopause,” says Breus.
A recent CDC survey found perimenopausal women were the most likely of any age group surveyed to sleep less than 7 hours, and a whopping 49.9% said they wake up tired 4 days a week.
The reasons: Progesterone and estrogen levels shift during perimenopause, and sleep becomes more fragmented. Hormone therapy can help some women with disturbances that are related to hot flashes during perimenopause and after.
The overall silver lining: Waiting it out may help.
Breus says sleep often normalizes after menopause (defined as one year after the last menstruation) as hormones level out.
And some research suggests that after about 60, we adapt and learn to function a little better on a little less sleep: One small study comparing women ages 20 to 30 with those ages 55 to 65 found that the older group did better on a battery of tests of motor skills after 3 nights of sleep restriction. Another survey of 10,000 adults found that adults over age 65 complain less of insomnia than those who are younger.

Your Environment

No discussion of sleep problems would be complete without a mention of the radical shift in the American lifestyle in the past few decades.

“People are expected to be available 24-7 now, and sleep can sometimes be viewed as lazy or unproductive,” says Pelayo. “Technology has accelerated this.”
As you’ve probably heard, that blue glow coming from cellphones and tablets can be a serious sleep killer. Special cells in our retina are finely tuned to respond when hit with that short-wavelength light (which happens to be about the same wavelength as morning sun) and signal the brain that it’s time to stop making melatonin and wake up.
One 2014 study found that people who read from a tablet before bed saw melatonin levels plummet 55%. Another 2018 study found that preschoolers -- who are believed to be more vulnerable to the sleep-disrupting blue rays -- had melatonin shut down almost completely when exposed to bright light an hour before bedtime.
Fortunately, many companies have begun to offer apps that automatically shift the light to a calmer, less disrupting hue as night falls.
But that alone won’t save your sleep, says Kathy Sexton-Radek, PhD, a professor of psychology and sleep researcher at Elmhurst College in Illinois.
“The content on that device is a problem too,” she says, noting that a work email or text before bed can stir our emotions and get our mind racing.

The advent of Netflix and other streaming services, which tempt the viewer to watch episode after episode and leave them thinking about what will happen next, even after they shut it off, is also a factor, she notes. One recent survey of 423 people ages 18 to 25 found that 81% identified themselves as “binge viewers.” When researchers asked about sleep patterns, they discovered that about one-third of cases of chronic insomnia were related to binge-watching.
“The narrative complexity of these shows leaves viewers thinking about episodes and their sequel long after viewing them,” the authors note.
Other studies have suggested that light-pollution outside our homes could be having an impact. A study of 52,000 adults 60 or older found that those who live in more brightly lit neighborhoods are more likely to take prescription sleep medications.

We’re also eating dinner later, which is a problem, since digestion revs up the body and it takes about 4 to 6 hours to move a meal through your system, says Sexton-Radek.
Then there is worry.
“I see a lot of adults today who are worried about finances, teens who are worried about being accepted at school or getting into the college they want, and seniors who are worried that they are not sleeping and it’s going to affect them cognitively,” says Sexton-Radek, noting that in these cases, psychotherapy may help.
But amid this sleeplessness epidemic, she says she also is beginning to see a positive cultural shift. After decades of being dissed as a low priority, sleep is slowly becoming trendy again.
“I believe we are in transition,” Sexton-Radek says. “Thanks to the public health and media messages, people are starting to recognize the value of sleep and the serious consequences of not getting enough and seek help.”

How do your brain, body, and immune system restore themselves while you’re asleep?

Sleepless Nights: In Pursuit of Rest. What Goes on When You Sleep?

Monday, March 25, 2019

10 Healthy Energy Drinks for a Natural Boost

How to Find the Best Energy Drinks

These days, not all energy drinks are the waist-widening beverages that deliver a case of the jitters and make your heart pound. A new crop of energizing sips are sparkling waters with natural fruit flavors or tea-based beverages fueled with B vitamins and brain-boosting adaptogens, like L-theanine. They’re also canned sans added sugars and zero artificial sweeteners, flavors, and colors. Some use cold-pressed vegetable and fruit juices for color and extra nutrients.

But how can you ensure that what you’re drinking is going to give you the boost you need? To help you find the healthiest energy drinks on the market, we tapped Dr. Mike Roussell, PhD, nutrition expert and co-founder of Neuro Coffee. When shopping the aisles for an energy drink, Roussell says to look for one that “Ideally has zero [sugar], but definitely less than 10 grams per 8-ounce serving. If you’re going higher than that, I would only use it prior to exercise.”
When it comes to energy drinks fortified with vitamins and antioxidants, Roussell says they’re not going to make much of a difference in giving you energy. However, B vitamins are essential for converting food into energy. “B vitamins are put in a lot of energy drinks because they are needed for our body to break down and use the energy found in the foods we eat. But more B vitamins doesn’t make your body do this better and it isn’t something that you can feel,” Roussell explains.
Some energy drinks also infuse certain antioxidants, minerals, and adaptogens to reduce muscle soreness, improve cognitive function, and promote calm. But Roussell reminds us that the benefits of these health boosters are limited. “Most energy drinks are underdosed and contain levels of ingredients that are so low, you won’t benefit from their effect,” he says.

In terms of how much caffeine you can enjoy daily, it’s best to limit your intake to no more than 400 milligrams.  “Everyone should be cognizant of the amount of caffeine that they’re consuming as everyone has a different level of sensitivity to it,” Roussell says. So to help eliminate the guesswork at the grocery, we rounded up the healthiest energy drinks on the market to help you tackle every task on your to-do list and then some.

MatchaBar Hustle Unsweetened

Courtesy of MatchaBar
5 calories, 0 g fat, o mg sodium, 1 g carbs (1 g fiber, 0 g sugar), 1 g protein
When you need a 3 p.m. pick-me-up, MatchaBar’s Hustle has a delicious blend of ceremonial grade matcha, green tea extract, and lemon and lime extracts. At 120 milligrams of caffeine—that’s more than what’s in a cup of coffee—you’ll feel buzzed to get through every meeting, email, and assignment for the rest of your day. And if you’re worried about feeling jittery, the L-theanine in the green tea extract has a soothing effect to keep you calm and focused.
$35.99 per 12-pack on Amazon


Bai Bubbles Sparkling Antioxidant Infusion

Courtesy of Bai Bubbles
5 calories, 0 g fat, 10 mg sodium, 11 g carbs (1 g sugar, 10 g Erythritol), 0 g protein
If you combine your seltzer obsession with your love for fruit juice, you get Bai’s sparkling energy drinks. Taste-tempting flavors include black cherry, blood orange, grapefruit, blackberry lime, pineapple, watermelon lime, and coconut lime. One can serves up 45 milligrams of caffeine (the equivalent of one cup of green tea) with just 1 gram of sugar and 5 calories. It’s so refreshing that it also makes a great mixer for low-sugar cocktails.
$19.92 per 12-pack on Amazon


Hiball Sparkling Energy Water

Courtesy of Hiball Energy
0 calories, 0 g fat, 0 mg sodium,<1 0="" carbs="" div="" fiber="" g="" protein="" sugars="">
Hiball’s sparkling energy waters have only six ingredients: carbonated water, natural flavor, caffeine, ginseng, guarana extract, and B vitamins. Yes, there’s absolutely no sugar. And at zero calories and just one gram of carbs, keto diet followers will be able to enjoy this fizzy drink guilt-free, too. The bubbly bev is also fortified with B vitamins to help reduce fatigue and weakness.

$28.84 per 12-pack on Amazon

Celsius Naturals

Courtesy of Celsius Live Fit
10 calories, 0 g fat, 5 mg sodium, 10 g carbs (2 g fiber, 0 g sugar), 0 g protein
Guarana seed extract from the Amazon rainforest is the main source of caffeine in Celsius Naturals’ energy drinks. Ginger root spices things up by revving up your metabolism and supporting thermogenesis—the process in which your body produces heat—so your body burns more fat and calories. The sparkling drink also has chromium, which will help stabilize blood sugar levels and keep cravings at bay.
$34.75 per 12-pack on Amazon


Zevia Energy

Courtesy of Zevia
0 calories, 0 g fat, 0 mg sodium, 0 g carbs (0 g sugar), 0 g protein
Whether you need a boost to power you through your spin class or a little lift to help you get through a major deadline at work, Zevia’s natural energy drink boasts 120 milligrams of caffeine. With zero calories and sugar, there’s no better way to get the kick you need. It comes with refreshing flavors such as Grapefruit, Raspberry Lime, Mango Ginger, and Kola—for those who want to wean off of their soda addiction.
$19.99 per 12-pack on Amazon


RUNA Energy Drinks

Courtesy of RUNA
0 calories, 0 g fat, 0 mg sodium, 1 g carbs (0 g fiber, 0 g sugar), 0 g protein
Brewed with organic guayusa tea—a tea that’s traditionally drunk during the early morning hours in Ecuador—RUNA’s energy drinks pack up to 150 milligrams of caffeine in one 12-ounce can. And thanks to the organic pear juice concentrate, you get a hint of fruity sweetness without the blood-sugar-spiking white stuff. Choose from unsweetened Mint Strawberry, Watermelon, Lime, Blood Orange, Pineapple, Mango, Berry, and Pomegranate.
$29.88 per 12-pack on Amazon

BluePrint Mindful Ma-Tay Tea

Courtesy of BluePrint
45 calories, 0 g fat, 0 mg sodium, 12 g carbs (0 g fiber, 8 g sugar), 0 g protein
Yerba mate and lion’s mane mushroom—an adaptogen that specifically targets cognitive function—team up in this stress-busting energy drink. A touch of maple syrup, lime juice, and vanilla extract infuse this power-pumping tea with bold flavor. At 45 calories, 8 grams of sugar, and 75 milligrams of caffeine per bottle, Blue Print’s Mindful Ma-tay will lift you out of the afternoon funk.
$34.50 per 12-pack on
V8 plus energy drink

Courtesy of V8
50 calories, 0 g fat, 60 mg sodium, 13 g carbs (0 g fiber, 10 g sugar), 0 g protein
While V8 is best known for its vegetable juice, this energy drink delivers 80 milligrams of caffeine and a slew of nutrients, including potassium, vitamin C, iron, and B vitamins. Green tea extract is the natural caffeine source while its reconstituted vegetable juice blend, which has the juices from sweet potatoes, purple carrots, and carrots, provide a dose of vitamins and minerals. Try ’em out in Peach Mango, Orange Pineapple, Diet Strawberry Lemonade and Diet Cranberry Raspberry.
$15.93 per 24-pack on Amazon
Tea riot energy drink

Tea Riot/Facebook
80 calories, 0 g fat, 85 mg sodium, 19 g carbs (16 g sugar, 0 g added sugar), 0 g protein
What sets Tea Riot apart from the other energy drinks on this list is the addition of cold-pressed juices. Whether you choose the Turmeric Shine or the Greens Lift, you’re getting fresh-brewed tea with a side of vegetable and fruit juices, including kale, spinach, ginger, and carrot. Tea riot has about 50 to 75 milligrams of caffeine—the equivalent of what’s in a shot of espresso. From black pekoe and white peony to sencha green tea to hibiscus flower and matcha, these energizing sips also infuse a dose of health-boosting polyphenols.
Clean cause energy drink
20 calories, 0 g fat, 10 mg sodium, 5 g carbs (0 g fiber, 4 g sugar), 0 g protein
With only 20 calories per can and 4 grams of sugar, Clean Cause’s sparkling energy waters supply caffeine from green coffee bean extract with a hint of sweetness from organic fruit juice and natural flavors. And what’s even better is that with each can purchased, 50 percent of profits support individuals in recovery from alcohol and drug addiction—a cause close to Clean Cause’s founder Wes Hurt.
$36.96 per 12-pack on Amazon
Just chill beverages
70 calories, 0 g fat, 0 mg sodium, 17 g carbs (0 g fiber, 17 g sugar), 0 g protein
You’re more productive when you’re calm and focused and not jittery. Just Chill’s secret: L-theanine, the amino acid in green tea, that’s been proven to help reduce stress and promote relaxation. L-theanine is also known as a nootropic that helps enhance cognitive function and concentration.
Just Chill’s beverages also have B vitamins, vitamin C, zinc, and magnesium infused to help ease anxiousness and relieve muscle tension. Because a can has 17 grams of sugar, we recommend enjoying this drink sparingly or splitting it with a friend.
$24.50 per 12-pack on Amazon